The best of book matching

glass-pavilion-23Natural stone has timeless beauty and no two slabs are identical which makes it inherently unique and appealing to designers and consumers alike. However careful selection, coupled with stunning craftsmanship and placement have over the ages, produced some amazing examples of book matching. I was reminded of this by one of TKBB’s followers, Minosa, who posted some eye-catching images of baths recently. Trump%20Toronto%20Lap%20Pool%20II-resized-600

Book matching is the practice of matching two (or more) surfaces, so that two adjoining surfaces mirror each other in appearance, thus giving the impression of an opened book. Book matching is usually often with veneer (produced in one of several ways), but can also be done in the solid wood, natural stone and other like materials. The two adjoining surfaces are produced from the same source material, so that they have (almost) exactly the same figure, but mirrored. The final effect varies with the figure of the product chosen anFireplaced can range from extremely subtle so that it appears to be a single piece to dramatic effects.

I love what this technique can bring to a project, these images are some of the best examples we have come across recently, if you have used book matching in your work, send us an image with a brief description and we’d love to post it.

To look at Minosa’s “Elements of the Modern Bathroom” go to:-