Origami bathtub honoured

Origami_Vasca traforataBack in April of this year, French opinion leaders in the architecture and design community were invited to submit their opinion on the products they felt were most remarkable and innovative in terms of their architecture and design qualities. This was part of a larger discussion proposed by ArchiDesignClub and Muuuz, a French design magazine.

From the thousands of products nominated by the design community, 250 were chosen as short-listed finalists in a range of categories. The products were chosen because they were classed as innovative, stimulating, unusual, practical, unique, intelligent and many other criteria. All short-listed products were featured in the “Book du Palmares 2013“.

Origami_Vasca libreria_3One such product is one of my favourites which I first encountered last year at the International Bathroom Exhibition in Milan. I have used this product in countless presentations and stories since because it captured my imagination – much in the same way the shoe bath did.

Origami_Vasca libreria_1This gorgeous bath is designed to work with a range of plinths, or be completely freestanding. I absolutely love the range of options but the most visually impressive is the version with the lattice-like, under-lit plinth which not only creates a stunning aesthetic but also uses a play on light to make the bath a centrepiece.

Although the Stocco Origami bath did not win the top award in its category, I am pleased this product was nominated and then short-listed in what must have been a very difficult decision by the judges.

For more information on Stocco visit www.stocco.it