It is with a great deal of excitement that I can announce the launch of Designer Kitchens & Bathrooms – a bookazine dedicated to showcasing award winning kitchens and bathrooms from Australian and New Zealand designers, produced by Universal Magazines.
In compiling the projects for this publication I was lucky enough to view an amazing array of award-winning kitchen and bathroom spaces. In the end, it was a harder decision which projects to leave out than which to include, as all were of an incredibly high standard.

Our aim was to set the bar high in terms of visual aesthetic, planning and design, meeting the client brief, and superb workmanship as well as ensuring a good cross-section of styles and themes. We have only chosen projects which have won significant awards within the past two years so the compilation is the “best of the best”.

When it comes to designing kitchens and bathrooms, the designer’s number one aim is to fulfill the client brief. But, within that brief, there is usually a great amount of scope for the designer to apply their own style, to take an individual direction, or to apply a unique solution that makes it a true “designer” project.

My sincere thanks to all the individuals and industry associations who assisted with compiling material for this bookazine – Kitchen & Bathroom Designers Institute, Housing Industry Association Australia and the National Kitchen & Bathroom Association NZ.
The bookazine is available through newsagencies and specialty outlets as well as online. If you have a project in the book, have no fear, your copy is not far away. If you’d like to get your hands on a copy, it’s as easy as clicking here.
I’d love your feedback on this new publication – we’re hoping it will become an annual undertaking.