The fifth KBDi National Conference and Awards Gala culminated on Saturday night with the announcement of the winners and the competition was fierce. As guest arrived at the venue, held at The Outrigger Resort, Noosa in sunny Queensland, some 165 delegates from across Australia (and dressed to the hilt) gathered to review the best of the best and find out who, in 2013, would take out the three main prizes and earn themselves a trip on the 2014 KBDi International Designers Tour, heading to Eurocucina next April.

With the chapter categories announced and two clear multi award winning designers (Maggie Milligan from WA and Darren Genner from NSW) featuring prominently in those awards, tension built in anticipation of the big three. First to be announced was the KBDi Australian Kitchen Designer of the Year, this year won by Queensland Designer Lee Hardcastle from Enigma Interiors. Having taken out the same award in 2010, Lee thanked his staff for their commitment to quality and that working with this particular client enable him and his team to produce a winning kitchen that they were all very proud of.

Next up was the KBDi Australian Bathroom Designer of the Year, and guests were again amazed at the quality of entries. The winning entry, a stunning bathroom set against what could best be described as a rock face, went to NSW designer, Darren Genner of Minosa. Talking to the big winner on the night, Darren said he was both amazed and extremely humbled by the award given the quality of the finalists and the calibre of the designers themselves.

The best of the best is the KBDi Certified Designer of the Year Award, an award only able to be entered by Certified Kitchen and Bathroom Designers. This year’s winner was renown Victorian designer, Royston Wilson from Royston Wilson Design. Known equally for his quirky sense of humour, at times, outrageous dress sense and his design prowess, the winning of this award also humbled a man rarely left short of a word. However he did mange to say that recognition at this level was such an honour, he was extremely proud.
I have been to many award nights over the years, but the one thing that stood out was the quality of every entry. It was seen by all and acknowledged by all. Congratulations to all the winners, the finalists and it has to be said, the judges – they got it right!!
TKBB will release further winners in the coming days.