Unique Cabinet Wall Lamp!

Yesterday we brought you one kind of lighting, really beautiful creations from FontanaArte. Today we thought we’d throw this one at you to see what you think.cabinet-light-7

J. Kyle Daevel is a Chicago-based designer and artist. Cabinet Light is a unique wall mounted LED light designed by him, just one of many creations if you check out his wen=bsite (see below for the link) The light is a hybrid of two typologies; domestic cabinetry in the off-state and exterior sign cabinetry in the on-state. The design was inspired by the familiar domestic cabinets similar to a kitchen cabinet or medicine cabinet. But instead of holding objects like other cabinets, the Cabinet Light gives illumination.cabinet-light-1

Reed switches are inlayed into the cabinet frame, which automatically activates the light by sensing the door movement. The amount of light can be controlled by changing the position of the door.cabinet-light-2

The Cabinet Light is manufactured in North America by sign fabricators. The light is produced using sign cabinetry fabrication processes such as CNC and powder coating and is made from sign materials like Lexan, aluminum, and LEDS. The project is also meant to be an experiment in looking into ancillary fabrication network of sign fabricators as an alternative model to overseas furniture manufacturing.

This is a neat little wall lamp – what are your thoughts?

For more information visit : http://www.kyledaevel.com/cabinet.html

And thank you to Outside The Square Interior Design for posting this on Facebook – I just love it – thanks guys!!1375766_516616098421702_1926513182_n