AWISA – the bi-annual show that has delivered on its promise to bring the latest technology and products to the Australasian market. Originally the show was best described as a “machine fest” – a place where hardware suppliers demonstrated the latest they had to offer whilst buckets of dust poured into every stand from their friends on a machinery stand. Today, however, AWISA is more and more design focused with major players placing a huge emphasis (and a large slice of their marketing budget) on four days of networking, new product releases and the odd late night with clients.

AWISA has changed, and rightly so. As with many end users, design is paramount – as someone commented yesterday “if we as designers don’t design and sell – those guys over there don’t cut” – a slightly crude way of looking at it, but correct all the same.

In an effort to grow the existing and nurture the new, suppliers have gone all out with new products and many with new and vibrant displays. Lincoln Sentry went up market with a big new display that will see it return in part to its Sydney showroom. Polytec revamped their amazing stand from 2012 to reflect a range of new and exciting colours and finishes that are to die for. The big three hardware importers, Blum, Hettich and Hafele again demonstrated their commitment to the industry with all three producing outstanding displays.

Whilst there are a few noticeable absences, this show continues to grow in stature, it has become the leading show for both the manufacturing sector and the design side. Personally I’d like this show to envelop another show (recently held in Sydney), be held over six days in five large halls and alternating venues.
Any thoughts?