Park Avenue Collection – The Living Bathroom 2015

immagine_20150309174204_lrThe Park Avenue Collection has been conceptualised and designed by architect Paolo Funghi and interprets forms and themes from the decorating canons of New York at the beginning of the 20th Century. As such, it embodies the best of classicism and modernity with a delicate elegance that gives the collection a timeless appeal.

immagine_20150309163347_lrEach of these spaces has been styled by the Berni interior design consultants who have utilised a high level of personalisation and eye for detail to show off each product to its best ability. The company says “all the solutions [are] designed with Park Avenue furnishing elements [to make] every environment unique”.

immagine_20150309164326_lrIt adds that the collection is “the result of a careful and detailed study of shapes, materials, and colours” and that the “culture of quality and a passion for beauty are in fact the two souls that guide our craftsmen in creating unique products, aimed at maximum differentiation from everything that is standardised”.

immagine_20150309162600_lrIt certainly is an interesting collection with a great aesthetic. Personally, my favourite is the teacup bathtub with matching teacup basin – kitsch and elegant all at the same time. Yours?

immagine_20150309165439_lrFor more information visit