A new Vauth-Sagel showroom has been opened at the company’s Brakel-Erkeln site and will act as a forum in which to create space solutions for the homes of the future.
These days, a company needs to do more than just supply the right, top quality products at a reasonable price to be successful. It has to be visionary. In consequence, Vauth-Sagel is gradually making the transition from supplier to development partner and source of inspiration. In keeping with the “universal design” approach, the company will in future create high quality system solutions for everyone and for a wide range of different home scenarios. The new showroom expresses this perfectly and offers space for the respectively necessary regular dialogues with furniture manufacturers, designers, journalists and end customers.

The focus is not on the products but on the wide range of solutions they offer. Four unique, striking buildings cover an impressive 600 square metres of ground. Grouped closely together, they stand for a global village that takes the current home-furnishing megatrends on board: “Urban” looks at the long-term trend towards living in cities: an increasing number of people is occupying living spaces that are gradually becoming smaller and smaller in constantly growing major cities.

“Family” addresses the issue of universal design. Comfortable cross-generational solutions for anyone in the colourful world of family.

The theme world “Country” focuses on yet another megatrend, “Responsibility”. Many people are designing their lives and their immediate environments in a sustainable way that impacts as little as possible on the natural resources.

The foyer of the fourth building, “Belle Epoque”, already clearly indicates that here, the way a home is furnished is also considered a status symbol. The furniture stands for a luxurious home with sophisticated materials and outstanding functional features.
Vauth-Sagel sees this part of the new showroom as a prototype for future living spaces. And nothing is set in stone here, which is usually the case when it comes to prototypes. Solutions for additional home zones are already being considered and will at some point be realised in consultation with the visitors and guests. The new exhibition area offers plenty of different opportunities for this, for example meeting, presentation and development spaces where these new jointly developed space solutions can be realised.
Take a walk through a slide show of the new showroom to see how amazing it is.
Vauth-Sagel products are available in Australia through Lincoln Sentry.
For more information visit vauth-sagel.com