In exciting news from across the ditch, Hettich NZ has opened a new showroom in East Tamaki and it’s packed with a wealth of fabulous products.

The showroom is packed full of technical exhibits as well as many inspirational kitchen designs that showcase the range of products available from Hettich NZ in a real life kitchen. All displays reflect Hettich’s key corporate message that the company creates the perfect combination of intelligent technology, functionality and design.

Within the showroom is space for designers to utilise meeting time with clients to look over plans in order to specify the hardware details and functionality required to put the finishing touches on the design. Homeowners are also welcome to visit the showroom and interact with the products on display. Hettich NZ has prepared a variety of specification sheets which are a great resource for the client to take to the designer when planning the kitchen.

Hettich NZ has created the showroom space as a venue for designers and their clients to use as needed to assist in the planning and design process. Designers are able to utilise the displays to demonstrate how products function as well as the variety of applications to help homeowners make the right choices for their new space.
The showroom is located at 18 Barmac Place, East Tamaki and is open from Monday to Friday, between 8am and 5pm. Enjoy this slide-show walk-through of some of the brilliant products on display.
Visit or phone 0800 438 842 for more information. create the perfect combination of intelligent technology, functionality and design