Dynamic design duo Darren Genner and Simona Castagna from Minosa share their excitement about the upcoming AIDT 2019 Tour to ISH and discuss what they are hoping will be the result of their visit.

Have you previously visited ISH?
No, we haven’t but ISH has been on our radar as since we started Minosa. Because of its focus on setting trends for tomorrow’s bathroom designs, water and energy sustainability and intelligent home systems, we have always seen this show as a leader for bathroom innovation and technology.

What are your expectations of what you will see at the show?
We have visited many international and local design shows and we find we get the best experiences by going into these events with an open mind and few expectations. We like to look for new ideas and new partners in an environment where the sky is the limit. Plus, we find it so beneficial to be sharing the experience with new and existing industry friends.
What are your expectations of what you will see and experience during our time with Hansgrohe, Duravit and Kaldewei?
We know these three companies and brands are powerhouses synonymous with high-end design and technology in the bathroom world. So to be able to see first-hand how the products are made, the process they go through and to meet the people behind the brands will be a mind-expanding exercise. We’re really keen for the opportunity to learn more about the histories of these companies and their plans for the future.

You travel regularly to overseas shows, what do you see as the benefit for your business in doing this?
We believe visiting overseas design shows is invaluable both to Minosa and to us as individuals. It is a unique opportunity to discover new regions, immerse ourselves in different cultures and to explore the world of design. We are always looking for companies we can partner with, people we can learn from and people who share like-minded beliefs.
How important is it to see first-hand the displays and exhibitions at the shows?
Looking at pictures or social feeds is one thing, but every time we visit these trade shows it’s the little details, or the people that explain the concept to you, or a discussion later that night when you are recapping on the day, where the most inspiration comes from. These sorts of experiences are impossible to get from a single picture or social media feed.

What you do you personally get from taking the time to travel to overseas design and innovation shows?
In our experience you have to find the time and we know that’s sometimes a big ask. It’s easy to get caught up because work will always be there – there will always be a client who has to have something right now – but you need to find time to stop and recharge. The best part of these trips is they are not only good for business and continued learning and professional development but they are fully tax deductible so it makes perfect sense to invest the time and energy in attending. We have created amazing friendships from these trips, where we connect with like-minded people and get to explore new ideas so we see this as something we should always make time for.
Would you like to join Darren & Simona in March 2019 as we travel to Frankfurt to visit ISH then on to immersive visits at the facilities of Hansgrohe, Duravit and Kaldewei? There are only a handful of rooms left available so head on over to aidt.com.au for more information, full itinerary and all inclusions.