TKBB sponsor KBDi has experts in pretty much every area of the industry so it seemed timely, as 2018 draws to a close, to ask for their top tips to make 2019 your most amazing year. Here’s what they said:

Although you may love your line of work, it’s common in long-term careers for boredom to creep in at one stage or another. Whether you’re a devoted designer, a busy-as builder or a motivated manufacturer, here are five easy ways to inject new life into your career.
- Up the Ante
Consider taking your professionalism to the next level with a new qualification or accreditation. Maybe there are particular areas of study that have always been on your wish list or a course you’ve always wanted to complete. KBDi Accreditation can give you a competitive edge and post nominals are a great way to set yourself apart. If you’d like to know more about KBDi Accreditation, drop them an email today. - Get Involved
The industry can only be as strong as those members who contribute to it so why not consider taking up a voluntary role in a relevant committee. KBDi has strong local chapter committees in each state and territory who act as conduits between the industry and the association. This allows industry to feed back to KBDi on relevant matters and allows KBDi to provide the most relevant support and information. If you’d like more information or to express an interest in joining your local committee, send an email to the head office. - Inspire – yourself and others
If you’ve been in the industry for a while you’ve surely amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience and you must have plenty of stories to share. Equally, we all know how relevant it is to hear from others about their experiences. Why not start a business blog on your website or standalone platform? Alternately, send your stories to KBDi and they can be used in member communications. - Take to the stage
If talking, rather than typing, is more your thing consider seeking opportunities to speak to consumer groups or industry peers. Some KBDi members are already building incredible public profiles by taking advantage of speaking opportunities that come their way, or looking for special occasions on which to share their stories. If you’re not sure where to start, contact KBDi and they can point you in the right direction. - Share – your time and your skills
It’s easy to take your long list of skills for granted when you’ve been in the industry for a long time but think of all the knowledge you’ve acquired throughout your career. A newbie to the industry would love the opportunity to tap into that knowledge and experience. If you don’t have staff, or a team to mentor, but are interesting in “giving back” check out KBDi’s new mentoring program and let them know if you’re interested in being a part of this talented team.

But, most of all, take time over the Festive Season to rest, relax and recharge. Reconnect with family and friends and allow yourself to smell the roses. Then hit 2019 running.
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