Zip Water at Total Facilities

Visit Total Facilities at ICCC Sydney on 20-21 March to see the latest range of Zip Water’s Facilities Management products and services. Zip’s experienced sales representatives will be demonstrating Zip’s advanced technology and design while providing expert solutions to industry demands.

Zip WaterThis is a unique opportunity to see first-hand Zip’s latest range of products and services that are applicable to the facilities management industry. Showcased at the event will be Zip’s range of commercial HydroTap, on-wall boiling products and commercial chillers with options to suit commercial premises both large and compact.

Zip WaterIn addition, you’ll be able to interact with Zip’s impressive smart connectivity technology, ZipAssist. ZipAssist enables businesses and facilities managers to securely monitor the health and performance of all HydroTaps within the workplace making it easy to stay on top of maintenance and reporting.

Zip WaterZip’s extensive range of workplace products allow for easy access to boiling, chilled and sparkling filtered water providing the convenience of instant-access to employees and visitors. Any office kitchen can be transformed into a functional, social space with the inclusion of a Zip HydroTap.

Zip WaterTotal Facilities is a two-day live experience that provides opportunities to connect with Australia’s Facilities Management community. Its Speaker Series offers free-to-attend events with expert panellists in two dedicated seminar theatres presenting tried-and-tested strategies for tomorrow’s facilities management challenges.

To register your attendance for Total Facilities, visit:

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