Vauth-Sagel Opens Up at Interzum 2019

Vauth-Sagel presented new products at this year’s Interzum, held in Cologne, Germany earlier this year, with its trade fair stand motto of “OpenUp”. The company’s invitation to open up refers as much to the products as it does the corporate culture, global home trends and the way we use space.

Vauth-SagelIt represents Vauth-Sagel’s response to a world that is constantly changing – and therefore to challenges such as urbanisation, digitalisation and demographic change.

Vauth-SagelLiving room, bedroom, utility room, bathroom – zones with different functions are no longer strictly separate, and this development not only creates a new openness in homes but is also reflected in Vauth-Sagel’s stand at Interzum.  There are no clearly defined boundaries in open plan interiors. and its trade fair stand offers the perfect setting to call attention to products that usually stay in the background and to shift the focus towards these.

Vauth-SagelFor the first time, Vauth-Sagel showcased solutions for all areas of the home: the kitchen, utility room, bathroom, bedroom – and simply the living environment as such. There is potential for efficient space solutions throughout Vauth-Sagel’s portfolio.

The new products and highlights in the portfolio illustrate another dimension of the trade fair motto. In this case, OpenUp was designed to be taken quite literally: you open a door and see straight away how elegant and efficient Vauth-Sagel’s design solutions unlock areas and thereby create more space – frequently even where you would least expect it.

Vauth-SagelHowever, OpenUp is even more than just an extremely apt description of the trade fair stand’s various dimensions – OpenUp is also an invitation to everyone interested in future home design. Architects, interior and furniture designers, partners and customers are challenged to become actively involved themselves. The family-run business invites them to experience spaces in a new way with Vauth-Sagel products.

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