Smart Social Media

Smart Social MediaIn today’s post we’ll take a look at how to implement smart social media strategies that will be effective in this current uncertain climate. What’s important to remember is that social media has always been a space people utilise to communicate about what matters to them. And now, more than ever, we need to remember that people are looking for reassurance, assistance and engagement online.

Here are our top 10 tips for navigating this unprecedented situation and staying relevant on social media:

  1. Adjust the tone of your posts – your content should be sensitive and relevant. Don’t be afraid to address the fear and shock – it’s okay to acknowledge the current situation.
  2. Don’t be seen to be profiting from or exploiting the situation – accept that your social media strategy will have to change.
  3. Build a community – look at ways to foster deeper relationships with current and potential clients.
  4. Re-word messages to speak to the difficulties being experienced by your customers – empathise and reassure.
  5. Use the power of video to share your own experiences – host virtual get-togethers or watch parties.
  6. Become a helpful, informative, credible resource – how can you help? How can you be of service? Can your product or service help resolve personal needs?
  7. Stay connected and offer value – don’t try to hard sell your product or service. Here’s where content marketing can be really effective.
  8. Don’t be afraid to get creative with your content – people are looking for an escape. But remember, all content should be inspirational, educational or useful.
  9. Avoid commercial messages – move more to hope and inspiration. Fear-based marketing will be damaging to your brand in the long term.
  10. Gear everything you do now towards building long-term trust so you are front-of-mind when things go back to “normal”.

Remember how fast things are changing – this is not a “set and forget” environment. You need to be constantly evaluating and re-evaluating how your message is being perceived as the situation changes. It is only reasonable to revisit goals and potentially scale down your expectations.

But here’s the positive: with the majority of your potential market in lockdown or isolation, people are highly engaged. They are using social media as a watch tool – short videos that are engaging are getting huge reach. Longer-form blogs and info sheets are being read more. People are listening to podcasts, audio books and interviews.

Remember, no one visits their social media platforms with the intention to consume your advertising but they absolutely do want to consume your collateral so now is the time to make sure that collateral is relevant, helpful, informative and useful.

We’d love you to share any social media strategies you’ve tried which have had positive results for your business.