Next week, for the first time since the pandemic, Salone del Mobile Milano 2022 in its full format will be held in Milan at the Rho Fiera showground.
The show is traditionally broken down into component parts, each focussing on a different area of speciality spread over 20 halls. Salone Internazionale del Mobile includes Salone del Complemento (International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition), Workplace 3.0 (International Workspace Exhibition), S. Project, EuroCucina (International Kitchen Furniture Exhibition), FTK (Technology for the Kitchen), Salone Internazionale del Bagno (International Bathroom Exhibition), SaloneSatellite (for designers under 35 years) and Design With Nature (curated by Mario Cucinella).
Salone Internazionale del Mobile

The Salone Internazionale del Mobile is split into three style categories: Classic, which draws on the values of tradition, craftsmanship and skill in the art of making furniture and objects in the classic style; Design, products that speak of functionality, innovation and boast a great sense of style and xLux, the section devoted to timeless luxury re-read in a contemporary key.
International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition

Launched in 1989, in response to the growing demand for decorative goods, the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition has become the sector’s leading event, showcasing an increasingly varied and comprehensive selection of excellent pieces year by year, encompassing the entire home furnishing system, ranging from decorative objects, furnishing accessories and textiles for the home.
Workplace 3.0

Workplace3.0 is an innovative exhibition area devoted to design and technology in workspace planning. It explores brand-new approaches, forms and solutions to the workplace “of the future”, in which the human factor and smart technologies both have a vital role to play.
The world of work is changing rapidly, along with the actual concept of work: new methods call for different workspaces. Workplace3.0, devoted to design and technology, is the best-equipped event to respond to this shift and to market demand. It showcases the finest products designed for procurement plans, reception areas and office spaces of the best companies working on solutions that dovetail with the new ways of working and the new design requisites for “inhabiting” the workspace.

S.Project is a crosscutting space devoted to design products and decorative and technical interior design solutions. S.Project offers a 360-degree perspective on interior architecture and responds to the latest market demands. Its distinctive feature is its multi-sectoral focus – a multidimensional space with a heterogeneous selection of goods, with products ranging from interior to outdoor furnishing, from wellness products to fabrics, from lighting to acoustic solutions, from coverings to finishes.

The international event in the design world dedicated to the under-35s, SaloneSatellite’s mission is to bolster the ties between research, design and industry. Open to designers under 35, it aims to facilitate the relationship between businesses and young designers preparing to enter the profession and the market, post-study. SaloneSatellite also presents work by universities and schools specialising in design. This involvement is geared to staying up to date with the ways in which the educational system is changing around design, what priorities are indicated to the students and the research processes, how the students’ intellectual and practical abilities are being stimulated and therefore their understanding of the problems and consequences of certain production methods.

Now in its 23rd edition, EuroCucina, the benchmark exhibition at international level, will bring together 82 exhibitors, each of them showcasing a wide range of top-quality goods. They will be spread over an area equal to 16,000 m2, largely in Pavilions 9 and 11. Furniture companies exhibiting total living concepts will be presenting their kitchen designs on their respective stands.
In this edition of EuroCucina, the domestic hearth will be seen as a multifunctional space, an expression of contemporary living, its confines with the other domestic spaces becoming so blurred as to be non-existent. As a natural evolution and consequence of these last few pandemic-hit years, kitchens have become fluid, hybrid, integrated spaces, the absolute focus of the modern home, social aggregators, not just purveyors of essential needs.

FTK’s focus is on the ever-growing number of sustainable domestic appliances and, because these appliances are very intelligent, they are tasked with minimising the impact of everyday domestic activities on the environment and helping to improve lifestyles and health. In this edition of FTK, technology explores how it can be increasingly responsible and resilient, human-friendly, intuitive, accessible and easily integrated and integrable into our lives. The aesthetic component of the products on show will be no less important – ergonomics, materials, colours and good looks will be the crucial building blocks of the proposed solutions, increasingly geared to personalised and customisable design that will ensure consumers are provided with electrical appliances that respond to every possible requisite in terms of taste and style.
Salone Bagno

Launched in 2003 as a subsection of the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the International Bathroom Exhibition became an exhibition in its own right in 2006, reflecting the evolution of the domestic bathroom – formerly a strictly functional space – into a dedicated sanctuary for relaxation and wellness.
The new products on show this year reflect the continued evolution of this particular space, which is becoming increasingly technological and green-oriented without skimping on emotion. Bathroom furniture companies have been investing in research and innovation for years in order to come up with low energy products in line with the most recent market demands for sustainability. This has caused them to focus on water saving and on using low impact, recyclable and circular materials that also guarantee high quality and durable products. What is quite clear, these days, is that the sector is aware of how to respect the world we live in, with quality certifications, ecological materials, water-based wood finishings, recycled production waste, non-toxic and strong materials to stave off the end of life of products.
Salone del Mobile Milano will be held from 7th – 12th June in Milan at the Rho Fiera showgrounds with complementary activities in Milan’s eight Design Districts and installations throughout the city.
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