The Salone del Mobile.Milano international promotional tour for the 62nd edition of the trade fair is underway, taking in seven European and American destinations.
The Salone del Mobile.Milano has positioned itself internationally with a road trip geared to promoting the upcoming edition – scheduled for 16th to 21st April 2024 in Milan. It’s goal is to discuss the future of home living along with the world’s design community.

The roadshow is a unique opportunity to promote all the events and pass on initial information regarding the format and content of the 62nd Milan edition of iSalone: with a reworked layout and exhibition paths – again informed by a wide range of contributions at round tables attended by companies and stakeholders – will put visitors and their needs increasingly at the centre.
The biennial EuroCucina and International Bathroom Exhibition will be back, the celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of SaloneSatellite will include a great exhibition in the city and a structured programme of installations and talks will be held in the trade fair pavilions, to foster open discussion between business and design culture, in keeping with the formula that ensured the success of Euroluce and The City of Lights, a luminous and illuminated palimpsest of exhibitions and international cameos.
The tour will provide an opportunity to reflect on the challenges facing the design world and on what home living will look like in the future, thanks to the involvement of special guests who will discuss and promote design culture as narrated and interpreted by the Salone, highlighting its quality, know-how, practical and aesthetic value and human and emotional component.
The tour started in the French capital with the designer Patrick Jouin, while the London leg featured the British designers Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, the German designer Konstantin Grcic appeared in Berlin, Luca Nichetto and the young Danish designer Felicia Arvid in Copenhagen.
The key themes are the importance of the power of vision and innovation in the large events and industrial design world, the need for an increasingly human-centric and inclusive culture, focused on communities and individuals, the need for multidisciplinary dialogue between different cultural and geographical areas and, last but not least, sustainability, a field in which the Salone del Mobile has already notched up a major milestone, ISO 20121 certification for sustainable events management, achieved at the latest edition.
The tour is also being promoted via the Salone digital platform highlighting the expanded opportunities within a digital ecosystem, allowing the tour to be followed online thanks to in-depth analysis, interviews, and backstage moments shared on the Salone website and its social media channels.
TKBB will be in Milan in April 2024 to absorb all the wonders of Milan Design Week so look out for special editions of the blog coming your way!
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