Nover is one of Australia’s largest family-owned and operated businesses, today supplying the cabinet making and joinery industries with more than 25,000 products across 17 different categories.
Established in 1954 originally as a civil engineering business by Norm Overmeyer and Ken Cowley. The company name “Nover” is an amalgamation of Norm’s first and last names. Nover was heavily involved in construction through the 1960s with the partners renovating and refurbishing a number of blocks of flats throughout Sydney as well as one-off construction projects such as the Visitors Stand at Drummoyne pool. This soon led to Nover establishing a joinery business which was used to supply cabinetry to the construction arm of the company.
Norm sold his share of the business in the late 1960s and Ken took over as the sole owner.
Ken’s background was in the wool industry, having spent many years working for a firm of wool brokers. As is the case today, products are not sold directly but through an established trading house. When his contacts in these trading houses learnt of his association with the building industry, Ken was offered the opportunity to take supply of and resell a number of building products. Initially this was a hodgepodge of items (even including items such as tyres and air hoses) but gradually this broadened to include a general range of building products.
“The joinery industry was very different in those days,” explains Steve Cowley, son of Ken, and now Managing Director of Nover. “There was no real cabinet hardware to speak of, for example, and all the cabinets were timber framed”.
Soon Nover began to import High Pressure Laminate and this range of products soon expanded to become the backbone of the business for the next 40 years. “As the industry changed over time, Nover grew its product lines and became more of a wholesaler specialising in joinery products,” adds Steve.
By the early 1980s the wholesaling side of the business had taken priority so the family made a decision to exit the joinery business which was sold to a third party. This happened soon after Steve joined the business in 1976 and he and Ken set about specialising in the cabinet making and joinery industries.
“I had a background in accounting so, when I first started, I was working in what you’d call the accounts department,” says Steve. “But I quickly realised that wasn’t for me so I made a sidestep into product management and sales which was a much better fit”.
Of course, the cabinet making and joinery industry was very different at the time Steve joined the company. “It was a far simpler industry in those days,” he recalls. “This was even before metal runners were the norm – it was all plastic components. And manufacturing was a very different ball game”.

Being such a specialist in this area, Nover was often leading the way and an early adopter of new products and new technologies. Its business has always been based on sitting across a variety of product families and very much driven by what joiners wanted and needed in their factories. “We sit across most sectors of the industry and our product range is the broadest of any supplier in the industry,” says Steve. “We have a plan but we’ve also allowed for organic growth that is driven by the industry and the feedback we receive from customers”.
As a market leader, Nover saw an opportunity for the supply of hardware and panels as well as consumables and ancillary products such as handles. But the product range has always included a variety of wood-based panel products including decorative surfaces and low-pressure melamine, plus a decent selection of hardware which has expanded as new technology and expectations from the design community required.
“Our customer base is extremely broad,” Steve explains. “It’s made up of kitchen manufacturers, cabinet makers, furniture manufacturers, shop fitters, joiners and fit out companies so our goal is to stock and sell all the major components needed across this diverse customer base”.
As a business, Nover invests heavily in sourcing its products preferring to establish exclusive relationships where possible. Steve says Nover seeks to source products that match the philosophy of the business, and have the quality required for our Australian market, which they are able to sell at a price that matches the expectations of its customers. “We make sure we have a presence at international design shows and hardware shows, and we travel to visit factories as these all form an essential part of our research and staying in touch with new developments,” says Steve.
Having been in the industry for so many years, Steve has seen first-hand how much it has changed with the advent of technology and new manufacturing methods. “The biggest change I’ve noticed is that joinery businesses used to make everything – doors, benchtops, carcasses, the lot. As we moved away from laminate benchtops we’ve needed to work with specialist stonemasons and then specialist door painters, and glass splashbacks. So, now joinery businesses have to interact with so many more third parties to complete projects,” he explains.
When asked to predict the future of the cabinet making industry, Steve points to more specialisation requiring a narrower skill set as we compartmentalise the industry further and further. But, overall he sees the size of the industry growing, as will the size of projects being undertaken.
In terms of Nover’s plans for the future, Steve says the company intends to remain at the forefront of sourcing new products and supporting those products already in the family. “Whenever we have the opportunity of course we will try to be first,” Steve laughs. “But those opportunities don’t come along too often. Any vacuum left when a new product comes onto the market is very quickly filled and so our product range will evolve as it has to”.
Steve points to the introduction of two new product families which he feels rounds out Nover’s offering to the industry. The company has recently secured an arrangement with Salice for its hardware and ColourPyne for its range of board products. The company is well established with branches across the three eastern states of Australia and intends to remain 100% family owned.
When asked what he thinks makes Nover unique in this crowded part of the market Steve is quick to point to its employees. “Our philosophy is that our people are so important,” he says. “We employ well over 100 people in ten different locations and the average length of service is eight years – with some at up to ten or even 20 years”.
We’re excited to see what the future will bring for the Nover company, the Cowley family and the company’s employees so watch this space!
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Nover Australia