Victoria & Albert Ravello bath in NZ

Matakauri Lodge
Matakauri Lodge

Victoria & Albert’s Ravello bath has been chosen to complement the astonishing views and majestic surroundings of New Zealand’s Matakauri Lodge.

Matakauri Lodge Deluxe Suite
Matakauri Lodge Deluxe Suite

Located a stone’s through away from the shores of Lake Wakatipu, the exclusive holiday retreat was awarded ‘Best Room with a View’ by Fodor’s Magazine. The Lodge offers highly sought after accommodation in sumptuous guest rooms and suites with a regal backdrop, perfect for the ultimate relaxation experience.

Matakauri Lodge Owner's Cottage Guest Suite
Matakauri Lodge Owner’s Cottage Guest Suite

The nearby mountains at the south-eastern shore of the lake are aptly named The Remarkables due to the world class vistas they have to offer.

The Ravello bath is an embodiment of classical elegance. It has a form that combines bold lines with smooth curves, perfectly complementing the contemporary casual scheme of Matakauri Lodge. That is why award winning interior designer, Virginia Fisher who led the Lodge’s 2010 refurbishment, included it in her conception.

Matakauri Lodge Deluxe Suite_2
Matakauri Lodge Deluxe Suite_2

Warm to the touch, strong and renewable, QUARRYCAST®, used to make all Victoria + Albert baths and basins, keeps the product in pristine condition and is highly durable, with accidental scratches to the bathing well easily polished out.

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For more information on Matakauri Lodge visit

Images courtesy Matakauri Lodge.