Launched in Milan in 1961 as a vehicle for promoting Italian exports of furnishing and accessories, the Salone Internazionale del Mobile is the global benchmark event for the furnishing and design sector.
The 2025 Salone del Mobile is back as the star of the design calendar: the leading international event for the design industry will be held from 8th to 13th April, at Milan’s Rho Fiera fairgrounds. Set up in 1961, the trade fair boasts a wide range of furnishing products, distinguished by their expressive power and their functional, technological and material innovation, devised to enhance the domestic scene.
First held in 1976, Euroluce is the International Lighting Exhibition which, thanks to the more than 300 exhibitors, among the leading brands in the sector at international level, narrates the evolution of light in the domestic space, sparking research and innovation and reflection on the design culture in this particular field.