We thought we’d bring you what our American design cousins really get their teeth into on a three day “let’s make it a long weekend” conference!
Last week from May 14-16, 2015, in Atlanta, the 2015 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Convention apparently offered more than a glimpse into the importance of architecture in the kitchen and bathroom. With a full schedule of sessions and speakers, including former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the show at the Georgia World Congress Centre inspired both architects and designers to take their work to the next level.

With President Clinton kicking off day one of the conference speaking on architecture and its importance in global health, AIA had a continuing theme of looking past the ventures, finances, failures and successes of the industry and pressing on toward a bigger goal in design.

“The bottom line is that you’ve got a lot of work to do,” the former president said at the end of his speech, speaking to the abilities of architects and designers that better the world.

While this theme played out in several sessions, the products on the floor offered architects and designers the best ways to make their visions come to life.

Just so you are aware a member of the AIA pays US$675 to attend everything at this three day conference – including Bill!

The images you see on this post represents their version of the best of the best…..
Want to see more? Go to http://www.kbbonline.com/gallery/kitchen/AIA-Products-7271.shtml