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Home Opinion Maximising digital communication in the K&B industry

Maximising digital communication in the K&B industry

The current pandemic has certainly increased our reliance on digital communication across all aspects of our business processes. Given this is unlikely to reduce anytime soon (in fact, it’s far more likely to continue to increase) we thought it would be a good idea to look at how the kitchen and bathroom sector can maximise the effectiveness of its digital communication.

The number one goal should be your customer’s experience – from beginning to end. So, the way you utilise your digital communication should always be focussed on how it can enhance your relationship with the customer and provide them with a high-quality experience at every stage of their relationship with you.

Digital Communication

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The challenge for small business owners is to ensure they are understanding the message sent out across a variety of digital platforms and checking in to make sure all digital strategies are as effective as possible. Businesses that are able to communicate in a compelling way and deliver an amazing customer experience are the ones who will stand out in an overcrowded digital landscape.

So, what actions can you take to set your business apart?

Humanise your communications

At the end of the day your customers are human so don’t lose sight of that when mapping out your customer journey. Although we use a lot of technology to communicate, don’t forget that ultimately you are still speaking to people, not computers.

It’s important to understand and address your customers on an individual level that takes into account where they are in their journey with you. The technology exists for us to be able to personalise messaging so we should be taking every opportunity to create a message that speaks to the things that are important to our customer.

Use automation as a tool

Many business owners feel uncomfortable using automations because they fear a loss of control. But remember that sequences and automations don’t exist unless they are set up. So, think of your automation strategies as tools for communication – rather than a replacement for your time and energy. You still need to define what the communication will look and feel like – the technology will just handle the execution of the strategy.

Automations can be really effective at managing communications that engage with your customer and help them progress through your funnel without needing you to be across each and every conversation.

Know and understand your audience

We always circle back to this critical element but you simply cannot craft a message that speaks to your audience if you don’t understand who they are. A huge part of this is understanding and acknowledging their level of expertise and understanding. In a B2B environment, you don’t want to be talking about DIY hacks – for example. Or, in a B2C environment, there is no point launching into a conversation with your customer about a highly-technical aspect of joinery manufacturing.

If you have a clear picture of your target audience, and a good understanding of their pain points, you will be able to craft a message that is engaging, compelling and persuasive.

What – exactly – are you selling?

Drop the marketing jargon and flip the message so it’s squarely focussed on your customer and their needs. The truth is you’re not really selling kitchens or bathrooms – you’re selling solutions to problems. Customers generally don’t connect with your product. They connect with you and the problem you are going to solve for them. Your communications will be far more effective if you sell the solution, rather than the product. Focus the message on how the customer’s pain points will be remedied with your solutions, rather than on factual information about the product or service.

Get straight to the point

Everyone is busy and no one likes having their time wasted. Particularly in the digital space, time (and attention) is limited so if your message doesn’t grab your customer’s attention straight away, you’ll lose them. And the best way to engage with the customer is to focus on them and the problem they need solved. Here’s where consistency of messaging is also important, so your customer isn’t receiving mixed messages or unclear signals about the next step in their journey. High-quality copywriting will help all your digital communications stay “on message” and will clearly and concisely communicate your passion and enthusiasm.

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