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Home Bathrooms Project Scheduling with Ayrmont

Project Scheduling with Ayrmont

The Ayrmont Technologies’ ARMS CRM provides a wealth of support tools to ensure efficient business process automation including Project Scheduling.

The importance of managing schedules for projects cannot be understated. In terms of business performance, mishandled scheduling can account for time wastage, budget blow outs and frustration for your clients. If you are a renovator, you’ll love the functionality and preciseness of the ARMS system.

ARMS allows you to quickly and easily check which projects have been scheduled and you can specify a time frame – for example this week, this month or the year to date. This overview is essential to allow for proper business planning and scheduling management to ensure smooth operation of all your renovation projects.

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Ayrmont-ARMSIn terms of resource management, ARMS allows you to review which resources have been allocated to which projects. You’ll have a “bird’s eye” view across your entire workflow allowing you to quickly and easily locate possible double bookings (a red square will alert you to a possible duplication).

Ayrmont-ARMSAnother valuable resource in the ARMS CRM is the ability to control and monitor any site issues with a Tickets module. This module not only allows you to keep your customers in the loop but, as a business owner, you can track any tickets loaded and ensure the site issue is managed and resolved without anything falling through the cracks.

Ayrmont-ARMSYou retain full control of your workforce with automated SMS messages sent to your trades to remind them of upcoming tasks and provide them with further information so they can manage their schedules. In a world where trades not turning up is a huge issue for many homeowners, ARMS assists you to provide a higher quality service to your clients which, in turn, makes for a happier customer who is more willing to provide a referral.

Ayrmont-ARMSYour site supervisors will be kept in the loop with a daily run sheet that lets them know which tasks are due to be undertaken on a daily basis.

Ayrmont-ARMSEvery aspect of the ARMS CRM from Ayrmont Technologies is designed to provide industry-specific business efficiencies that allow you as the business owner to have more control over your business processes and manage your workforce more productively and more profitably. ARMS helps you provide excellent customer service and build that all-important trust with your customer.

One of client’s electricians said, “The reminder SMS messages are the best thing we ever introduced”.

ARMS can be customised to suit the specific needs of your business. For more information visit www.ayrmont.com.au


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